Thursday, May 28, 2020

Grey Witch

Daylily Grey Witch

scape height  30 in, (76 cm)
bloom size  6 in, (15 cm)
bloom season  Early-Midseason
form  Spider 4.22:1
ploidy  Diploid
foliage type  Dormant
bloom habit  Diurnal
bud count  15
branches  2
seedling #  MR96TRGP

August 2020 update: Despite healthy foliage and lots of food and water, none of the fans I received put off a scape.

Notify Ground Crew (Hanson-C., 2000)

2024 Update: No extra scapes.

I never planned on buying a regular yellow day lily until I saw this one. The blooms grow taller than me! I am going to cross this with everything and see what else I can get that towers.

Color: yellow self

Parentage: (Tetrinas Daughter × Tet. Purity)
scape height  72 in, (183 cm)
bloom size  5 in, (13 cm)
bloom season  Midseason
ploidy  Tetraploid
foliage type  Dormant
fragrance  Fragrant
bloom habit  Nocturnal
seedling #  TD TPUR

8/2020 Update: Notify Ground Crew put off a scape, but didn't have a lot of foliage to help support it. The scape fell over and the bend in the stalk caused the plant to abort it. No blooms for 2020, but I think it will do better next year.

2023 Update: As the root system has grown and there are multiple fans supporting the scapes, the flowers are almost as tall as I am at 5' 10". 

Jungle Man

2024: I have 2 clumps of 3 fans each available for purchase.

scape height  39 in, (99 cm)
bloom size  9.5 in, (24 cm)
bloom season  Midseason
form  Unusual Form
ploidy  Tetraploid
foliage type  Semi-Evergreen
fragrance  Fragrant
bloom habit  Diurnal
bud count  16
branches  3
seedling #  ALTS

2020 notes:
Early June: I received two large, healthy fans and put them in the ground right away.

June 15: One of the fans has a scape!

8/2020 Update: Jungle Man put off a scape and I got to meet a few blooms. The pollen is good. He didn't set any pods, but I wasn't snipping the large blooms while he was blooming so the weight could have pulled the blooms off.

2022 Update: Now that it has clumped up, the blooms are quite stunning in a group!

I won this plant off the Lily Auction from Johnnyappleseed.

Forever in Time (Salter, 1996)

2024 Update: No extra fans

Color: cream ivory with washed blue violet eyezone and green throat

Parentage: (Winter Masquerade × sdlg)
scape height  30 in, (76 cm)
bloom size  6 in, (15 cm)
bloom season  Midseason,
ploidy  Tetraploid
foliage type  Semi-Evergreen
bloom habit  Diurnal

8/2020 Update: This flower has not sent up scapes. The foliage is still small. This plant is currently in the large tiered planter and several neighboring plants grew larger. The lack of scape could be from not enough sun.

2023: These are beautiful blooms. 

Candy Cane Dreams

I've been spending time on the auction site again... I found lots of pretties and won this one!

Daylily Candy Cane Dreams
Color: red with yellow midrib and wide cream edge above yellow throat

Parentage: (Unidentified Flying Object × Murphy's Law)
scape height  34 in, (86 cm)
bloom size  6 in, (15 cm)
bloom season  Midseason
ploidy  Diploid
foliage type  Dormant
bloom habit  Diurnal
bud count  8
branches  1
seedling #  9803UFOML

8/2020 Update: This plant has healthy foliage, but has not put off a scape. I do not think I will see blooms this year.

Summore Bananas and Bubble Gum (unregistered seedling)

 2024 Update: No extra fans. This is one of my seedlings. I do not have statistics for it yet. I'll update as I have data.