Sunday, August 2, 2020

Blooms and more

August update:

Almost every flower has bloomed in my garden. I have seeds in the window germinating. Seedlings are stretching out of the soil.

We have decided that we are moving to be closer to hubby's work which means I have slowed down on the plants. I'll be digging up daylilies and putting them in pots then putting the pots back in the ground. That way, when the house sells, I can move the plants quickly.

I have learned more about daylilies and discovered that when the foliage is evergreen, the plant foliage doesn't die back completely and the plant is less likely to survive in my zone. I'll be looking through my lists to see what might not make it over winter.

I am in the process of talking to the new ag teacher about starting a daylily program. If she can start with freshmen, by the time those kids are seniors, they could graduate with blooming plants. If she can start the kids in middle school, they could have 2 generations of plants.

Summore Bananas and Bubble Gum (unregistered seedling)

 2024 Update: No extra fans. This is one of my seedlings. I do not have statistics for it yet. I'll update as I have data.